Jun 092011

It’s a word that comes to mind when I think of how easily Whitman can turn me on  and draw me in  using just his voice or his words, spoken or typed.

It’s like “submissive + seduction”.

He doesn’t need to seduce me with talk  of romantic dinners, massages, and wine (even though we often enjoy all of those).

I’m seduced by his talk of submission. Specifically, his talk of ME submitting to HIM. The darker and dirtier his ideas and words are, the hotter and wetter I get. I dream of being able to completely give myself to his sexy whims, even though there are still things I struggle with. Deeper, deeper, and deeper I go.


Check THIS out: The REAL definition of ‘subduction’? “the process by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate.”  It is sort of like that, isn’t it??

May 172011

I will say, within a day or instituting the NaughtyPoint system, SexFairy became a much more obedient sub. To be clear, our dom/sub relationship is NOT of the 24/7 variety. It’s restricted to bedroom / sexual activities. However I can turn DOM in my head and it may take a minute for SexFairy to realize the change. My voice changes, my demeanor changes, everything. And once she sees the change, she changes too.

But this latest transgression was outside of that part of our relationship. Sexy laptop spy

I had been using her computer, and left an old email account open. Finding the account open, SexFairy decided to do some snooping and read my emails. There were only a few, but they were between an old flame of mine who for better or worse, lives 2781 miles away, plus one ferry ride.

SexFairy told me she read them right after. And while I don’t have anything to hide, she should not have read them. And she knows that. Had she asked to read them, I would have said yes. But as she did not, I hereby award ONE NAUGHTY POINT. The COUNTER is up by one. 

The punishment for this point should be something special. Hmmm. Ideas?

May 062011


not meSo, apparently MAY is National Masturbation Month. I’m not sure who decided this, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a congressional decree (like, say…National DANCE DAY), but it’s all over the internet, so it must be real! I don’t know about the rest of you, but In my world, it’s Masturbation Month EVERY MONTH!!

Whitman has recently let me know that I’ll need his permission to pleasure myself. I’m happy to observe this rule. BUT, hopefully observance of this IMPORTANT NATIONAL commemorative month will buy me some (play)time and keep me out of the Naughty Points.

I’m going to let Whitman know about National Masturbation Month, which of course shall now be known as the month of “May I?”

May 022011

Sex Fairy here, reporting in on a minor sexual accident over the weekend:

During some particularly vigorous deep-throat cocksucking (somewhat inspired by reading some sexy cock-choking blog entries and comments last week), I pulled my head back to…
I don’t know…swallow saliva? Breathe? Lick my lips? I really do know better.


It matters not WHAT I was doing, because at that point, Whitman grabbed my head by a handful of hair and forced his cock up and my head down at the same time. Except instead of me expertly wrapping my tongue around the underside of his cock, his cock rammed the underside of my tongue.


This was only momentarily painful, and even then only slightly so. I could tell something was not quite right, though. After finishing up with the sucking, fucking, spanking, and cum, I checked the mirror. WHOA. As I suspected, something was not quite right.

Even though it’s only slightly sore, there was, and still is, a giant bruise under my tongue. Looks like I got away without tearing the frenulum, but because this is in my mouth, the bruise looks like a giant blood blister. It actually resembles raw meat under my tongue. I’m still chuckling about this, two days later.

Lesson learned here? Keep my tongue where it belongs at all times!!   ;)

Apr 292011

MFC AspenRaeI think barbell piercings on a woman’s nipples look incredibly hot. Seeing a pierced nipple is a total turn on. It can also be useful (note some of the photos on this post).

One day I will instruct SexFairy to have her nipples pierced. We both know it will hurt and have some healing time. To be fair, this is something I want. She wants it really just because I do.

Partly based on our differing feelings about having her nipples pierced,  I recently posted this question on  our Tumblr, theNaughtyspot.tumblr.com:

“Should HE make HER get her nipples pierced with barbells?”

Should HE make HER get her nipples pierced with barbells?

Two of the responses are:

mymptp answered: “MAKE” her? Oh, please.”
wantinghim answered: “no….some things can be twisted, pinched, bitten, slapped and pulled. But if something is going “thru” them…its HER call.”pierced nipple bondage

At first their responses bothered me. How dare they presume to tell me what I can or cannot do with my SexFairy? But then I realized, they just don’t understand.

A submissive is submissive because she wants to be. Of course she can end or change that at any time. I respect this gift she has given me, this gift of herself. As long as we are in agreement as to the definition of our relationship, where she is mine to do with as I please, I can tell her what to wear, how far to bend over, etc. She has already chosen to allow me to make these decisions, for both of us.

As the wonderful blogger Discerning Dom put it so well in his post What’s it all about?: “The question of whether she will let me do what I want has already been settled. She’s already agreed in advance. I’ve got carte blanche. Yes, of course there are limits; there are always limits. But that leaves a lot of space to work in….The real pleasure for me comes from knowing that she wants to surrender. There’s no pleasure whatsoever in spanking a girl who hates it. That’s not domination, that’s abuse.”

Anyone in a valid DOM/SUB relationship understands this.

S0, until she says otherwise, it’s MY decision, and YES I CAN MAKE HER, because she allows me to.  Until she says otherwise, which I don’t think she will do. Because she loves being my SexFairy.wrist clamps to nipple piercing

Apr 272011

counting days. or naughty points?As I’ve mentioned before, Whitman and I are working against distance and time apart in our relationship. We’ve had what I consider to be QUITE A BIT of time apart lately, and I miss him terribly. I was actually in a bit of a snit when he left last time, and have been only marginally better in between. (I actually told him ‘maybe you should stay home then.’)
<GASP!> (um…yes, naughty point added.)

I am contrite / We made up.

He let me know on Monday that he would see me Thursday night, (even though we both have Wednesday and Thursday off). I MENTIONED (again) that I was available Wednesday, too. He said he’d see me Thursday.  I’ve been so disappointed.  I was feeling so desperate to see him. I wanted to SHOW him how much I miss him when he’s gone, how much I need him near me always. I was starting to feel so needy, and the desire to just fall to the floor when I see him and latch on to his legs with both arms…like a toddler having a breakdown…was looming large.

TODAY he let me know he could be here today.

SexFairy: omgahhhhhh I’m so fucking glad you’re coming here!!!! I didn’t want to ask again. :)
Whitman: I always was. You just need to learn some submissive desperation.


Apr 072011

Whitman and I were talking last night, and I began to reminisce about our first date(s). Somehow, rapidly (but not shockingly) the conversation turned to sex. We were talking about the new Naughty Points system that he instituted, and I told him how surprised I was by it.
I also told him how glad I was that he surprised me with it. And how hot it made me.

I earned points before I even knew we had a point system! He posted here about it, and I read the rules along with the rest of the world. It was perfect that way – the Whitman Sneak Attack. I had no time to ponder, dwell, or fret over the impending system. It caused me to IMMEDIATELY snap to attention, and focus my mind on HIM/us/my wet cunt. (I DO NOW have time to ponder and fret over impending punishments, though… When? What? How much?)

This may seem out of line to some people in D/s relationships where everything is negotiated and spelled out in advance. To me, this was just another example of the perfect evolution of our relationship, and especially the evolution of the KINKY parts of our relationship. It’s like Whitman just KNOWS me…maybe better than I know my SELF (and he’s right. As usual.
I DEFINITELY need some re-training).

I’ve always had a predilection for submissive sex, but shared that with very few people.
I’ve never explored it fully. I wondered out loud to Whitman how it even came up in our relationship. We’ve always been wide open emotionally and sexually with each other. I guessed THAT’S how it came up.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Whitman, though, reminded me that I had started dropping hints early on, and he took it from there. (He’d grasped my hands in a certain way over dinner…I asked him about it the next day. He claimed it was innocent; I still think he knew what he was doing…even subconsciously).

It has progressed from that ‘innocent’ hand-grab, to light restraint and spanking to heavier restraint, heavier physical torment, sensory deprivation, breath play, denial (of whatever), etc., etc., etc.…
It’s like a never-ending flow of ideas and exploration.
I want it to keep going and growing. Forever.
I want to be everything to him. (We do have a very real relationship OUTSIDE of Dom/sub sex, but it is so fluid. We move from one to the other and back effortlessly.)

69_in_contemplation_lrgRight now, I want to explore further a service-oriented submission…kneeling at his feet, sucking his cock while he works, doing his bidding at mealtimes, crawling, corseted on hands and knees to bring him the belt to spank me. You know, just regular stuff. ;) I want to get to a really deep place of submission…to be able to stop battling with my ‘real world’ self about what’s okay and what’s acceptable, and just let. it. go.

I really, REALLY want to get to a place where I can FULLY appreciate his pleasure for just what it is, and focus on that… For instance, if he WANTS or NEEDS to have sex with someone else, (or wants ME to have sex with someone else, for that matter), I want to WANT THAT for him. That part might take me a while, but I’m working on it.

Apr 042011

I have become painfully aware that SexFairy has been faltering. She has been disagreeing with me. Questioning my decisions. Saying “no” to my suggestions. Not opening her legs or mouth as I expect. Look at our last couple posts, where I have a little fun and she “doesn’t like it”.

My drink coasterHENCE:

The time has come, or rather is overdue, for her to be retrained.

“You are expected to be obedient, subservient, and compliant.
When I feel you are violating that expectation, I will assign points,
known as Naughty Points, which will result in punishments. 
Punishments may come in the form of physical punishments
or denying you things like food, air, pleasure, including orgasms,Punishment
or humiliating you, in private or in public,
or in granting you sexually to others,
or by forcing you to watch me with others,
all, as I wish.

Points will only be reduced through punishment, at the time and place

of my choosing. Any positive actions by you will not reduce your point
count and will have no effect on the punishment level applied.”


SexFairy has accumulated four points this morning.

  • for saying she didn’t want to wear nipple jewelry in public because “it might look funny”
  • for saying my assignment of points is “no fair!”
  • for responding to an instruction with “okay” rather than “yes sir”
  • for replying to one of my suggestions by starting with the word “But….”


I will see about putting a running tab on the blog showing her point level. When punishments occur reducing her points, we will put up a post, detailing the event, because what good is punishment if everyone else can’t enjoy it too?

Now to what extent points translate into punishment, I have yet to quite determine. But I hope SexFairy learns to submit herself better. And then again, I kind of hope she doesn’t.

Mar 312011

As Whitman has mentioned, we had a fun time with the Easy Breezy Kit from Good Vibes. At the end of his tale, he mentioned that when he was done with me, I “started on him” and “that’s another post.” It is indeed another post, and here it is!

Easy Breezy After he’d made me cum with the Easy Glider knobby vibrator (that looks like a big candy pop), I said, “I think it looks like it would feel good in your ass. YOUR ass, not mine.”

I was sort of kidding, and really just HOPING he’d let me play with his ass again. It’s been a while, and I DO love to pleasure him that way.
I was in luck!

Whitman said, “Go ahead,” handed it to me, and I went to work. I used the Please cream lube all on the tip of the vibe and also drizzled it on Whitman’s balls and let it run down onto his ass. I slid the vibe in…the first knob was easy. I pushed on and the second knob popped in. I was worried about the third, but it was soon also enveloped in Whitman’s ass. I was SO TURNED ON by being able to do this for him.  His dick was hard, my cunt was wet, and I was salivating for his big hard cock. I turned the vibrator on low and he groaned, I turned it up and he groaned louder in pleasure. I reached up to stroke his cock, which was dripping with pre-cum.

I was kneeling between his legs, which I find amazingly hot, but when he turned over to his hands and knees so that I could milk his cock with a good downstroke and lick his balls all at the same time I was vibrating his prostate???


I thought I would cum without even touching myself. I licked, and stroked, and twisted the vibrator around until Whitman couldn’t take it any more. As he moaned with pleasure, he rolled onto his back again. I stroked him with my left hand, rolled the candy-pop vibrator around with my right, and licked anything I could with my tongue. Finally, he put his hands over mine, and together we stroked his raging hard on until he came…of course, I licked him clean.

Then I thanked him for letting me play.

Mar 172011

Just  like I am about sex, I’m also very open minded about music. Rock, rap, trance, country, whatever, I like it. Whitman likes all kinds of music, too…rock, folk, opera, whatever. He has, however, declared a blanket dislike of country music. I started thinking about this yesterday. I’m not the BIGGEST country fan, but there are times when it’s appropriate. I found Whitman’s closed-mindedness on the subject unusual, and determined to talk to him about it…out of curiosity, of course. He had other ideas.

When I arrived at his place yesterday evening for our mid-week “conjugal visit,” I had a cocktail, and then started trying to get to the root of his dislike. Is it from unfamiliarity, or he doesn’t like the music, or the lyrics, or what?? How can you NOT LIKE classic Merle Haggard?? Blah, blah, blah…

Fast-forward to cocktail #2, and I was STILL talking about it. Non-stop.
I was on a mission, and just kept on and on AND ON about it, until finally Whitman interrupted,
“Did you bring the gag?”  I paused for the briefest second and thought about it, then replied, “Nope.” I resumed my tirade, following him into the bedroom talking non-stop as he rummaged for something.

He held up what he’d found.
I didn’t have the gag with me because HE HAD IT there already! He walked over to me, and as I continued to babble about music, he popped the gag in my mouth. (It’s more of a PACIFIER than a ball gag, and it served the purpose perfectly). He said, “Most of the time you’re the perfect woman. Right now, you’re talking wayyyy too much.”
Not only was I instantly silenced, I was instantly wet, so very  wet.

He pulled the strap tightly around my head, and all I could do was whimper and suck the gag that filled my mouth while I removed my clothes as instructed. Whitman did express some disappointment that he wouldn’t be able to fuck my face with this gag in place, but he did enjoy the chance to fuck me everywhere else in peace.