Nov 102011

You arrive late in the night from a long, long journey. We hug, then kiss, then collapse on the bed, you on top of me, my arms and legs wrapped around you. I can’t hold you tightly enough. I want to eat you up. Your weight, your smell, your skin feels so familiar, so hot, and yet so comforting. FINALLY.


Just seeing you makes me wet, but now is not the time. We break our embrace and arrange ourselves under the covers, each trying to touch every part of the other with some part of our own. The sound of your breath makes me love you even more.  I’m amazed by the feel of your hands roaming over my body, squeezing a handful of breast here, stroking a soft lip there, your hand holding tightly to my waist as we fall asleep breathing the same breath.

Nov 012011

Whitman and I got dressed up for Halloween. I wish I could post a photo, but alas, then we wouldn’t be anonymous sex bloggers anymore, would we??
DAMN, WE LOOKED SEXY!!! I’ll leave it at this:
We were coordinated. I was an assistant wearing a short hot skirt. He was in charge.

(Did I mention how hot we looked??)

We went drinking at a funky little dive bar nearby. This was no strip club or swingers’ bar. halloween bar lights
Just a dive bar.
We got groped by a fairy princess with cotton-candy-blonde hair.
I do mean GROPED.

I was doing a little rump-shaking for the blondie as she sat at the bar next to Whitman. (Okay, it was close to a lap dance). Suddenly, I felt fingers from behind make their way into my panties, then fingers inside of my pussy.
I wasn’t really sure if it was the fairy princess or Whitman, but I kept dancing, kept grinding…

Meanwhile, with her other hand, apparently she was giving Whitman a good rubdown through his pants before giving him a taste of my juices on her fingers. She asked him if we were into threesomes, then she disappeared. She probably had some sex-game playing of her own going on with HER date, and we were just sexy little pawns. I guess we’ll never know, but WOW, what a hot moment.

Oct 192011

Whitman and I aren’t known for waking-up-in-the-night sex. We ARE known for having sex, (lots of it), and fairly crazy sex (most of the time), and drinking a little (as previously mentioned). As much as we like all of those things, we sort of like to sleep at appropriate times, too.
Not last weekend.

OH MY GOD, what an ongoing, never-ending three day and night tease-fest! As so many weekends do, this one started out with a little drinking, a little playing, a little sex. Whitman brought me to the edge of orgasm with his tongue over and over and over. He had just inserted the big ol’’ Rippler into my wet pussy, which was causing me to moan and cry out as he pressed it into my g-spot, when we heard a car door. Oh no! Teenagers home….Grrrr. That was too much like an audience for me. I reluctantly removed the Rippler and we fucked quietly then went to sleep with Whitman’s cock still inside of me. I love that.

Insomnia struck, and we were up chatting sleepily around 3 a.m. We were chatting about things like me rimming him. You know, the usual things couples talk about in the wee hours of the morning. The next thing I knew, we were fucking. Again. We fucked ourselves right back to sleep. I’m sure we were still talking dirty as we drifted  off…


The next afternoon, we were lounging in bed, talking and teasing. I was still fantasizing about Whitman’s ass, and as we talked about it, I teased it with my finger, just pressing gently but not entering, and swirling my spit-coated finger around the sweet pucker like it was my tongue. Nudity ensued, but not nearly enough, and just as we were discussing engaging in a little pegging, ‘ding dong!’ We had company at the door. Talk about a ruined orgasm. THAT ONE was ruined before it started!

Fast forward to 3am again. As we cuddled and spooned, I wriggled my ass closer to Whitman’s cock. After two days of near-miss-orgasms, it just took a split second for me to feel him getting noticeably hard.
“Stop that,” he said, “or I’m going to fuck you.”
“Just rest your cock there. Like a hot dog in a bun…” I said, as I reached behind me to nestle it in place. digital-clock-3am-insomnia-2003
He chuckled softly and growled a little in my ear as he removed his hotdog from my buns and slid it into my pussy. I was still SO FUCKING WET from the two days of teasing, and from his closeness. The feeling was so heavenly, I could have touched myself and had an orgasm in about one second. Apparently this was mutual, because I could hear Whitman’s breathing change, and I knew he was close. I reached back and grabbed his ass to pull him in close to me, and as I did, I said, “Don’t cum yet.”
It was a request, not a command, obviously. He let me have my way. I wanted to wait yet ONE MORE DAY so I could a) take advantage of the two-day-long teasing buildup, and b) be fully awake for the event.

The next day I awoke with wet panties and I continued to drip for him all day.
I could hardly wait until we had the house to ourselves.

Whitman naked: check
His ass propped up high: check
Sexy hard cock in my hand: check
My face buried between his cheeks: check

I ended up sucking him off while stroking his cock with one hand, and the middle finger of the other hand massaging his prostate. And we all slept happily ever after.

Oct 172011

I was talking with Whitman the other day, and (not) shockingly, the conversation turned to sex. It turned to dirty, naughty, what-he-wants-to-do-next sex. He wants to get back to basics. Basic BDSM, that is. I want what he wants. Of course.

“It seems we need some new items,” he said. I agreed. I already know he wants new nipple clamps, but he continued with his shopping list. “We need a cane, and a flogger, and a paddle of some sort.” Most of my spankings have been administered by Whitman’s hands or belt. I love both. “Whoa!” I thought as my panties were instantly soaked at the thought of him wielding a cane. Or a flogger. Or a paddle. Or all of the above.

The sound of Whitman’s voice had changed in a way that I know so well. I instantly knew this was not idle talk or fantasy chat. I WILL be subjected to a serious spanking, among other submissive delights. I can’t wait. Any submissive will tell you that a good submissive session (mental or physical) is a great release. I need it. He needs it.

So. This conversation. Let’s recap: We started talking, Whitman’s voice changed, my panties were wet, and I knew it was time to head on over to EdenFantasys and get shopping!

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store

Oct 162011

My Dearest Whitman,

You know I’m very so very submissive, and you know I’m always trying to make sure that you’re getting maximum pleasure.  I’m always willing, always game, always ready to play, ready to give or get. Whatever you want, I want. BUT…

I always care. About myself. On some level. Somehow, there’s always my own voice in the back of my mind, wondering if you’ll go further. Wondering how much I can take, wondering if I’m doing a good enough job, whatever we’re up to. Is this going to look silly, sound silly, am I too jiggly? Me, me, me.

I’ve written before about wanting to ‘deepen my submission’ to you. But what does that mean?I want to totally give in to you. I want to spend hours upon hours as only an object for your pleasure and amusement. I want to be your plaything, whatever game you want to play. If it amuses you to do nothing with or to me, then so be it. I want to wait for you. I want to wait ON you.

Sometimes when I think of being ‘very submissive’ to you, it actually involves some sort of domesticity. Taking care of you…bringing you food, drinks, whatever you need, and then waiting my turn. Hoping there IS a turn. Hoping I do a good job and don’t have to be punished. Some part of me wants to be babied and treated like your sweet plaything. I want to sit at your feet and wait on you to pet my head. I want you to tell me I’m a good girl.

Sometimes when I think of being ‘very submissive’ to you, it involves me physically pleasuring you in any and every way you see fit. Bathe your balls with my tongue while you have your morning coffee? Yes, sir. Tongue your ass? Yes, Please. Massage your whole body with fragrant oil? My pleasure, obviously.

Sometimes when I think of being ‘very submissive’ to you, it involves being your toy, a totally objectified dirty whore of a spank-toy, fuck-toy, whip-toy, suck-toy, whatever-you-want-to-do-to-me-toy.  When you cinch my waist in tight and I can’t fully breathe, you’ll say that’s too bad, which is perfect. I want to have both sets of lips dripping with desire for you, to beg for your cock and be denied. I want you to slap my face for asking. Fill my mouth for talking.

I want to be so deep in my submission to you that I don’t think about myself. I want to be able to give myself physically, mentally, and emotionally to you, right down to the core. Please.

Love Always,
Your Sex Fairy

Oct 062011

I was texting a friend about a gift I’s recently ordered for her. I asked if she had received any packages from me, or really, packages from an “Etsy stranger.”

Except my PHONE, once again, decided to make that phrase better for me. What she saw was me asking if she’s received anything from an EASY STRANGER. I corrected myself, but she thought “easy stranger” sounded better. I had to agree, and decided that might be my Halloween costume this year! I’ve certainly had plenty of practice at it.

droidian slip

I have to wonder if this was a Droidian slip or Freudian slip?? Whitman has been traveling without me, and while I never doubt his love for me, I do know how much he loves variety. That’s just what he needs…and easy stranger!

Jul 262011

Wow. This summer is turning out to be so much fun. We’re goofing off like a couple of kids gone to summer camp. Private Summer Sex Camp, but STILL.underwatersex

We had sex in the pool again. It’s an amazing thing, sex in the pool with silicone lubricant. I never knew how much fun it could be.  I leaned forward over the raft that was floating in the shallow end of the pool, and Whitman pounded me from behind with his RAGING HARD COCK (omg it was sooooooo hard). He said, “I’m pretty sure you’re getting pumped full of pool water right now.”

Fast forward to the bedroom.  Same basic position, but I was facedown on the bed, no float involved. I’ve never been fucked so deeply. Ever. (and trust me, I’ve been fucked plenty). I was whimpering and whining with pain and pleasure combined, and when it was all over, I was shocked by the giant puddle on the sheet. Giant. Like 8” across!

First thought: “ohmygod, not my period AGAIN!” But no, it was a clear wet spot. I knew damn well I didn’t pee and I think I would have known if I had ejaculated, even though I never have. Our best guess?

POOL WATER backflow!!

Jun 292011

I had an amazing orgasm the other day. It was amazing not because of how long or strong it was, but because of how it came about: I was giving a blowjob. I wasn’t touching myself. (Nor was I humping the bed!)  This was just supposed to be a warm-up teasing blowjob before a little ‘vanilla-ish’ sex…just a little foreplay.

I took off my clothes and  scooched across the bed on my belly to where Whitman was standing naked.  His cock was at perfect mouth level, and half-hard while he waited (what I like to call a “corky” instead of a ‘woody’). I slid his gorgeous cock in my mouth, and as he moaned, he grew harder. I felt myself get instantly wet.  I brought my hands up to the base of his cock while my elbows stayed on the bed, and I must have looked very much like I had my chin in my hands.
Except for the penis in my mouth.

not meWhitman began to slowly slide his cock in and out, fucking my face, but slowly, gently, methodically. I never took my mouth off of him, sliding up and down in rhythm with his thrusts. Wet and extra-slippery saliva pooled in my hands, then began to run down my arms. I felt it dripping, and felt my cunt began to throb.  I squeezed my legs a little, pressing myself into the mattress slightly.

I kept sucking, swirling my tongue around the head slightly, but mostly just enjoying the  cock in my face. Whitman picked up the pace a little, then grabbed my hair in each hand, fucking, fucking, fucking… I was SO TURNED on by the way he just fucked my face. In my mind, I became just a fuckhole and a hot, wet, place for him to get his rocks off.

As I had that “fuckhole” thought, Whitman reached down and moved my right hand from his cock to cup his balls. I cupped, I pressed a little on his perineum, I drooled. The puddle under my arms was growing, and my arms were shiny-slick with spit. There was a big wet spot on the bed below my face. Whitman’s cock was soooo fucking hard. He held my hair, he fucked my face, (still steadily and hard, but not roughly), and I had the most AMAZING ORGASM.

I was shocked to feel it coming and even more shocked to feel it happen. (As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a creature of my own masturbating habits, and more often than not, all body parts need to be arranged just so for me to get off.)  Somehow the self-objectification, combined with the steady sucking / face fucking, the spit everywhere, and the pressure of the bed under my clit led to the perfect storm-gasm. This was not quite “thinking off” but close!

Jun 172011

So… pegging. I’m new to it. I like it.

It feels good to me, especially using the ‘ray gun,’ but I wonder…

I wonder if fucking someone with a fake penis is similar to running a race on prosthetic legs?

It must feel so good to run, but the runner isn’t really FEELING the ground under their feet.

When I’m pegging, it’s like, “OMG, YES!!! I’m DOING the fucking and it feels SO GOOD, but I can’t really FEEEEEL it…”

How much better must this feel with a real penis??

(This DOES NOT mean that I’d rather have a penis than a pussy, by the way.)

Jun 132011

Whitman and I were seated outdoors at a darling little Greek café late on a warm summer evening. I could barely walk after the sex we’d just finished up. After an hour or more of hot, hot, HOT play, (including Hitachi punishment) he finally filled me with hot cum and called it a night. We’d barely cleaned up, thrown on our clothes, and rushed out the door to make it to the restaurant before closing time.

As we enjoyed our wine, I was purring about how good Whitman’s big.fat.cock. had felt inside of me, and I was still throbbing and dripping, and so on and so forth as I rubbed hisnot our waiter leg under the table.

As I continued basking in the dreamy afterglow, our dinner arrived…

and WHOA, it was way. too. much. food! I’d ordered a big crazy appetizer platter as my dinner, and it was at least enough for three people. Whitman cracked a joke to the waiter about trying to fatten me up. The waiter never missed a beat and said,

“You’re ABOUT TO GET a fat one!”

I’m assuming he meant if I ate all of that food (never in a million years, by the way). “HAH!” I thought. “I JUST HAD about all of the fat one I can handle!”