Jan 272012

We’ve had a lot going on over the past couple of weeks. Whitman and I are moving into a new place. We ran into a sexy new variation of Dom/sub. (New to our relationship, anyway.) All of this DaddyDom talk (and the two-hour show, of course) has me a little worked up. We’re nearly the same age, but I want to be Whitman’s little girl. At least some of the time. Like now.

As I was going to sleep last night, this fantasy flitted through my mind:

I saw myself wearing my blue ruffle-butt panties and matching blue bra. Whitman and I are hugging in the middle of the big empty living room, because we’re only halfway moved in. It has been a long day of working and cleaning, and this hug feels like dessert. My arms are around his waist, and my cheek is to his broad chest. “I like our new house, Daddy, thank you,” I murmur into his chest hair as he strokes my head and neck.
“You’re welcome, Little Girl.”
”But I might be scared to sleep by myself in this big house, Daddy.”
(This is totally a tease; I want to be taken to bed by him.)
“Don’t worry, Love, I’ll be with you, he says.”
Daddy takes me to bed and says he will rub my back until I go to sleep. He strokes my back, my neck, and my hair gently, but soon his hand starts to trail lower, grazing my ass lightly. Lower still on the next pass, his hand is moving gradually between my legs…I squirm a little and whimper.coi1114-10

There’s no innocence about me. I know what he’s doing and I like it as he climbs on top of me, his weight bearing down on my back, making it hard for me to take a full breath. I shiver in anticipation as his hand slides over my mouth. My pussy is drenched. He slowly slides his big hard cock into me and I whimper again.  His warm breath is in my ear. He smells like brown liquor – like a man. He tells me softly in my ear not to be scared, that he will always take care of me.

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