Mar 052011

SexFairy and I recently went to this local beachside festival. It was hundreds of people with a heavy proportion of college age men and women wandering all over. After getting our second round of beers, we are standing face to face, sipping down enough beer so as not to spill as we walk around more.

SexFairy is telling me some story (I have no idea what, to be blunt) as this woman walked by, stopping just behind my Fairy. About 20 and thin I know what you are looking atwith dark hair something in the range of healthy C cups and just enough nipple poke to catch, and HOLD my eyes.

It could have been hours, but more likely less than 10 seconds, when SexFairy says, “what are you looking at”, and then she says, staring at my reflective sunglasses, “I know what you are are looking at. I can see her reflection in your glasses.”

I quickly move my gaze back to my SexFairy, smile, and say, “I love you so much, my clever lover.”

At one time, in other relationships, I most likely would have lied, or fumbled some “nothing” answer. But with SexFairy, I tell her everything, and she relishes in that as much as I do.

So you dogs out there, remember, while your sunglasses my hide your eyes, they don’t hide your direction, and yes I mean that in more than one way.

Mar 032011

I saw this post on Vanilla Edge, which was inspired by a big discussion surrounding this photo on Reddit about gender identity and sexuality. According to Vanilla Edge, most of the respondents to the Reddit question  were straight males, and most picked “B”. I’m not surprised. I’m a girl. I like guys, and I’m pretty into tattoos, but I don’t find Buck attractive. I chose “B” also.

This question also inspired quite a discussion here at the Naughty Spot, as well. I sent the link to Whitman, who, as I suspected he would, answered “B” like the majority of straight guys.

I asked him, “So, does that make you bisexual?” His answer, “No. I like women.” He then proceeded to tell me how hot the ‘chick with a dick’ was, and even sent me a link to an image search of many VERY HOT pictures of her. I pressed onward. “But that’s a MAN. A ‘dude with boobs,’ call it what it is.”
I insisted that if he would fuck a man in the ass or let a man fuck him in the ass, that he MUST BE BI. “In my mind that’s a hot woman with an extra part,” he explained. I don’t REALLY think he is bisexual and don’t care either way, but the discussion was GREAT! It made the afternoon at work bearable.
(Note: I understand and appreciate all the nuances of sexuality, gender identity and fluidity, but was going with straight-up BIOLOGY for the discussion at hand. Everyone calm down.)

Whitman then posed a question back to me: “Who would you rather see me fucking?” I glanced quickly at the photos. Well that was without question the ‘chick with a dick’ and I told him so –Then Whitman said, “So, we’d share. Good.”  I suddenly had the realization that I was getting REALLY. TURNED. ON.

Then I looked at the picture again. Closely. That guy/girl has a REALLY. NICE. DICK.
THEN I remembered this was a ‘pre-operative’ transsexual. “Pre-OPERATIVE” being the key word.
I thought, “Ohmygod, is s/he going to REMOVE / REPLACE / INVERT that really gorgeous cock?! WHAT A WASTE!!!”