Mar 012012

I posted the following on Reddit and got some very fun suggestions:
[SexFairy – you are NOT ALLOWED to click on the links above.]

”We are in a dom/sub relationship for a couple years now. She is completely willing to do anything I wish, take anything I give her, even make drinks for me while I am fucking another woman. Yesterday we acquired a maid outfit. I am planning on taking a full weekend day and having her be my sex maid slave. This I have not done before and would appreciate any suggestions on how to treat her, what to make her do, what to not allow her to do….Thanks all.”Vinyl Hot Maid outfit

Fortunately we recently got this very hot little outfit from our friends over at EroticToyTown. Appropriately called the Vinyl Hot Maid Outfit, it’s a sexy little two piece with ruffled white lace around very shiny black vinyl outsides lined with soft fabric inside.

There’s something very sexy about the lace, giving an almost virginal appeal to something designed for those with, shall we say, more experience. The triangle bikini-style top has adjustable soft cording to tie around the back and around the neck. The bottom has elastic around the top and up the bottom, in a typical g-string style. The top and bottom should fit most any size woman up to about a 46” waist. The top might not look its best on a very small breasted woman as it doesn’t have any padding or support, though I doubt any man would care if his sexy woman started mopping the floor wearing this.

My favorite part is the bottom which has the "lacy apron" flap you can see in the photo. The flap is just that and can be lifted up to reveal underneath a very small g-string with a triangle front. SexFairy modeled this for me and my brain started whirring with some very nasty thoughts. Especially when she turned around exposing her ass covered only by a 1/4” elastic strap and her back with only the strings from the bra.

Unfortunately we’ll have to wait a couple more weeks before we can really enjoy this, given her recent surgery.  I will be posting a very juicy review of her day, as my maid, so stay tuned. I expect it will be one of our hotter stories for you all, and more so for us!

Apr 202011

“How do you feel?” he asked.

“Naked,” I replied.

“Naked is what you are, not how you feel,” he responded after a slight pause.

“No. I feel naked,” I insisted. “And vulnerable. A little embarrassed. Slightly humiliated.” This seemed to satisfy him.
“I also feel like your little naked pet.” THAT made him extremely happy, even though he only smiled slightly, his eyes never leaving the road.

camaro boots girl

Whitman and I were visiting friends over the weekend, and as we traveled a four-lane highway through small town after small town, he looked at me and said, “Take off your pants.” I was a little shocked, because this wasn’t a particularly “Dom/sub” moment. I did as I was told, though.  Not that big of a deal, right? No pants. I’m in the car, who can see? We drove on for miles, chatting normally for about 15 minutes.

“Take off your panties.” I squirmed in my seat. “Really?” I thought, but did as I was instructed without saying a word. NOW I was feeling a little more uncomfortable. I mean, really…truck drivers could see in the window as we passed them on the road.

Another fifteen minutes or so had passed. “Take off your top.” Now clad only in my bra, I tried to keep up a semblance of normal communication, like this wasn’t KILLING ME to sit naked in a car hurtling down the highway. Whitman had warned me that the punishment for one of my Naughty Points would be hard for me. I had no idea how hard. I kept thinking to myself, “PLEASE let this be it. SURELY he won’t have me COMPLETELY NAKED.” Surely he WOULD.

What was I thinking?

Finally completely naked fifteen minutes or so later, I could no longer carry on conversation normally. Whitman gazed at me with a satisfied look. “Now masturbate.” I noticed the wetness between my legs (way back somewhere between removing panties and bra). I had been holding my legs tightly together since I was naked, and my thighs were wet already. My breath caught as I slipped my two fingers between them. I was shocked at HOW WET I was already.

I began to masturbate slowly, and leaned my head back against the seat, never taking my eyes from Whitman. I COULDN’T take my eyes from him. After passing through a few more tiny towns, he slapped my inner thigh. HARD, and said, “You can cum. I recommend it, actually.”
Within seconds, I was on the edge, straining my hips against the seatbelt that held me close to the leather seat. THAT made me even. wetter.
I came.
I didn’t care who saw.
It was for him.

Afterward, when I was dressed again, I just wanted to curl up next to Whitman with my head on his shoulder. Lesson learned. Really. Now, just 7 more points to go…

Apr 072011

Whitman and I were talking last night, and I began to reminisce about our first date(s). Somehow, rapidly (but not shockingly) the conversation turned to sex. We were talking about the new Naughty Points system that he instituted, and I told him how surprised I was by it.
I also told him how glad I was that he surprised me with it. And how hot it made me.

I earned points before I even knew we had a point system! He posted here about it, and I read the rules along with the rest of the world. It was perfect that way – the Whitman Sneak Attack. I had no time to ponder, dwell, or fret over the impending system. It caused me to IMMEDIATELY snap to attention, and focus my mind on HIM/us/my wet cunt. (I DO NOW have time to ponder and fret over impending punishments, though… When? What? How much?)

This may seem out of line to some people in D/s relationships where everything is negotiated and spelled out in advance. To me, this was just another example of the perfect evolution of our relationship, and especially the evolution of the KINKY parts of our relationship. It’s like Whitman just KNOWS me…maybe better than I know my SELF (and he’s right. As usual.
I DEFINITELY need some re-training).

I’ve always had a predilection for submissive sex, but shared that with very few people.
I’ve never explored it fully. I wondered out loud to Whitman how it even came up in our relationship. We’ve always been wide open emotionally and sexually with each other. I guessed THAT’S how it came up.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Whitman, though, reminded me that I had started dropping hints early on, and he took it from there. (He’d grasped my hands in a certain way over dinner…I asked him about it the next day. He claimed it was innocent; I still think he knew what he was doing…even subconsciously).

It has progressed from that ‘innocent’ hand-grab, to light restraint and spanking to heavier restraint, heavier physical torment, sensory deprivation, breath play, denial (of whatever), etc., etc., etc.…
It’s like a never-ending flow of ideas and exploration.
I want it to keep going and growing. Forever.
I want to be everything to him. (We do have a very real relationship OUTSIDE of Dom/sub sex, but it is so fluid. We move from one to the other and back effortlessly.)

69_in_contemplation_lrgRight now, I want to explore further a service-oriented submission…kneeling at his feet, sucking his cock while he works, doing his bidding at mealtimes, crawling, corseted on hands and knees to bring him the belt to spank me. You know, just regular stuff. ;) I want to get to a really deep place of submission…to be able to stop battling with my ‘real world’ self about what’s okay and what’s acceptable, and just let. it. go.

I really, REALLY want to get to a place where I can FULLY appreciate his pleasure for just what it is, and focus on that… For instance, if he WANTS or NEEDS to have sex with someone else, (or wants ME to have sex with someone else, for that matter), I want to WANT THAT for him. That part might take me a while, but I’m working on it.

Apr 042011

I have become painfully aware that SexFairy has been faltering. She has been disagreeing with me. Questioning my decisions. Saying “no” to my suggestions. Not opening her legs or mouth as I expect. Look at our last couple posts, where I have a little fun and she “doesn’t like it”.

My drink coasterHENCE:

The time has come, or rather is overdue, for her to be retrained.

“You are expected to be obedient, subservient, and compliant.
When I feel you are violating that expectation, I will assign points,
known as Naughty Points, which will result in punishments. 
Punishments may come in the form of physical punishments
or denying you things like food, air, pleasure, including orgasms,Punishment
or humiliating you, in private or in public,
or in granting you sexually to others,
or by forcing you to watch me with others,
all, as I wish.

Points will only be reduced through punishment, at the time and place

of my choosing. Any positive actions by you will not reduce your point
count and will have no effect on the punishment level applied.”


SexFairy has accumulated four points this morning.

  • for saying she didn’t want to wear nipple jewelry in public because “it might look funny”
  • for saying my assignment of points is “no fair!”
  • for responding to an instruction with “okay” rather than “yes sir”
  • for replying to one of my suggestions by starting with the word “But….”


I will see about putting a running tab on the blog showing her point level. When punishments occur reducing her points, we will put up a post, detailing the event, because what good is punishment if everyone else can’t enjoy it too?

Now to what extent points translate into punishment, I have yet to quite determine. But I hope SexFairy learns to submit herself better. And then again, I kind of hope she doesn’t.