Oct 102012

Last Saturday night, SexFairy and I had a pretty damn good dinner, got a bit drunk, and then a bit horny, and ended the night with a sexual first, in a kind of funny whoops way.

SexFairy likes being, shall we say, restrained. She says she finds it comforting and arousing at the same time. I have tied her body with rope, tied her to the ceiling while standing, tied her bent over to a stool, to a door, to a shower wall…the list just goes on and on. But she gets tied up for other reasons than my getting to fuck her at my will. Some nights, as we are getting close to going to sleep, I will get this urge and ask her if she’d like to be tied up for sleep. She always says, “yes please”.

So Saturday night, in bed, I asked, and she replied as always, “yes please”. I attached velcro thigh cuffs followed by wrist cuffs. Then I attached them all together, leaving it just loose enough so she could sleep. Of course once my mind gets started, it doesn’t tend to stop. So I asked if she’d like an anal plug for the night, and of course she said “yes please”.

SexFairy’s ass is on the tight and sensitive side, so I picked out one of our smaller glass plugs, a beautiful blue one. I grabbed a bottle of anal lube we had recently received, but not yet tried out. SexFairy was still wearing her panties so I pulled them down to the edge of the cuffs. Then with a nice puddle of lube in my hand starting massaging her, ass and pussy, sliding my fingers in and out of her holes as I went. Soon she was gasping with pleasure and my cock was rock hard. With that and her now relaxed and lubed ass, I told her I was going to fuck her ass, and she moaned “yes please”.

SexFairy was tied like this with her hands attached

Mounting her from behind while she lay on her side, I fucked SexFairy’s ass very hard and deep. It was a literal ass pounding. I said to her, “where’s my cock” and she replied “in my ass”. I said “what’s in your ass” and she said “daddy’s cock”. I said “where should I cum” and she said “in my ass”. I called her my “dirty whore” and she said “cum in my dirty whore ass”. So I did. I exploded inside her ass, filling it with my cum. After managing to slide my swollen cock out and thinking I should keep all that lovely cum inside her ass, I then put the anal plug into her ass, so none would drip out. I went to the bathroom, leaving her bound and ass fucked, full of my cum, with the plug in her ass.Glass plug, lost in her ass

That’s when I heard her call me. But not in a sexy fuck me way. In a help-me-get-here-now voice. The one that’s no longer playing. I immediately came back and she said, “the plug’s gone in my ass”. I was able to reach a few fingers inside her ass and while I could feel it there I could not grab ahold of it in anyway. We are talking about a lubed piece of smooth glass in her anus mind you. Quickly I unbound her and she went into the bathroom. There she squatted naked on the floor and, well, pushed the plug out, shall we say.

SexFairy came back to bed. I removed all the restraint cuffs, kissed her sweetly, and told her what a good ass whore she was. Lying there a few minutes, I then said, would you like to do that again soon? And she said, “yes please”.

So new rule. Small plug before anal sex. Large plug after anal sex.
We are still smiling over that one.

Jan 272012

We’ve had a lot going on over the past couple of weeks. Whitman and I are moving into a new place. We ran into a sexy new variation of Dom/sub. (New to our relationship, anyway.) All of this DaddyDom talk (and the two-hour show, of course) has me a little worked up. We’re nearly the same age, but I want to be Whitman’s little girl. At least some of the time. Like now.

As I was going to sleep last night, this fantasy flitted through my mind:

I saw myself wearing my blue ruffle-butt panties and matching blue bra. Whitman and I are hugging in the middle of the big empty living room, because we’re only halfway moved in. It has been a long day of working and cleaning, and this hug feels like dessert. My arms are around his waist, and my cheek is to his broad chest. “I like our new house, Daddy, thank you,” I murmur into his chest hair as he strokes my head and neck.
“You’re welcome, Little Girl.”
”But I might be scared to sleep by myself in this big house, Daddy.”
(This is totally a tease; I want to be taken to bed by him.)
“Don’t worry, Love, I’ll be with you, he says.”
Daddy takes me to bed and says he will rub my back until I go to sleep. He strokes my back, my neck, and my hair gently, but soon his hand starts to trail lower, grazing my ass lightly. Lower still on the next pass, his hand is moving gradually between my legs…I squirm a little and whimper.coi1114-10

There’s no innocence about me. I know what he’s doing and I like it as he climbs on top of me, his weight bearing down on my back, making it hard for me to take a full breath. I shiver in anticipation as his hand slides over my mouth. My pussy is drenched. He slowly slides his big hard cock into me and I whimper again.  His warm breath is in my ear. He smells like brown liquor – like a man. He tells me softly in my ear not to be scared, that he will always take care of me.

Nov 102011

You arrive late in the night from a long, long journey. We hug, then kiss, then collapse on the bed, you on top of me, my arms and legs wrapped around you. I can’t hold you tightly enough. I want to eat you up. Your weight, your smell, your skin feels so familiar, so hot, and yet so comforting. FINALLY.


Just seeing you makes me wet, but now is not the time. We break our embrace and arrange ourselves under the covers, each trying to touch every part of the other with some part of our own. The sound of your breath makes me love you even more.  I’m amazed by the feel of your hands roaming over my body, squeezing a handful of breast here, stroking a soft lip there, your hand holding tightly to my waist as we fall asleep breathing the same breath.

Feb 192011

We were snuggled up in my bed, on the verge of sleep. It had been a long and exciting weekend of traveling, eating, drinking, and sexy sex, and we were totally exhausted, physically, emotionally, and sexually. Finally, we were comfy and relaxed in the dark after a bottle of wine. I was on my back, and he was on his side, with his arm across my chest. “I sort of feel like masturbating,” I said. “Mmmmm, go ahead if you want, I don’t mind,” he mumbled through sleepy eyes and lips.  I was gently touching myself with two fingers, just enjoying the feel of skin-on-skin. After hours of car travel wearing blue jeans, the touch of my fingertips on my lips felt like the sweetest caress ever. His breathing grew heavy near my ear, but not from desire. It was heavy with sleep. He was almost snoring, but not quite, and somehow the sound made me INCREDIBLY HOT!

Within a few seconds, I was feeling the need…the need to cum, not just to tease my lips. As I started rubbing my clit faster and harder, his breathing was heavy, but as I got close to climax, he stirred. He DIDN’T WAKE, but his breathing became more regular, and his hand that was gently resting on my far shoulder began to move, ever so slightly. His hand moved to my throat.  He squeezed my whole neck slightly, then adjusted his hand to get a better grip on my trachea. I could still breathe, but DEFINITELY knew there was a grip on my airway. I came, breathing heavily, shuddering, whimpering, spasming. His hand relaxed. I wanted it again. I revved up the stroking again. And  once again, his hand clamped down on my neck. The fact that even in his sleep, he could reach out and control my breathing, that he could know what I needed even then…??
How could he??!! It didn’t matter, it made me cum even harder.
How could he?? Because I’m his.