I love SexFairy.
It doesn’t matter if she thinks she is sexy or not. It doesn’t matter if others think she is sexy (though they all do) or not. I don’t care what “society” says. I love SexFairy with all my heart. Every day, in every way, she is the most beautiful perfect woman I’ll ever know.
On a recent weekend morning, we woke up, and I looked over at her, and said “you are so beautiful”. Now most women don’t consider themselves at their best first thing in the morning, and SexFairy commented as such. To which I replied, “I love the woman I go to sleep with, and I love the woman I wake up with”. She is always, both, and everything in between.
SexFairy’s Labiaplasty posts have generated some attention, and it’s time I threw my two cents into this pot. 
I love her labia as they are. Yes they hang and sometimes make my finding the sweet juices of her pussy a bit of a manipulating challenge, but that doesn’t make me want them “trimmed”. So, why do I support her in this decision to have Labiaplasty?
Because I know it bothers her. She feels self conscious about it. They get in the way DURING sex (for her, not me). She can’t ride a bicycle because they’d get twisted up and hurt.
So to all you naysayers – my question is….
And the answer is, whenever that person wants it taken care of. It’s not your business AT ALL, if someone gets a nose job, an abortion, a tummy tuck, or labiaplasty.
Respect the individual’s right, to take care of themselves, as they wish. Beyond that, shut the fuck up, please. It isn’t your body. You have as much right to tell someone else what they should or shouldn’t do, as I have to tell YOU what you should or shouldn’t do with your body.
Correct Answer – NOT.
I love SexFairy’s labia now. I’ll love them tomorrow after her surgery, and I’ll love them for all the years we will have together, and then some. Just like every other part of her body and soul.