Sex Fairy

May 042011

Facebook has changed the face of my work day. Even though I work in a small office, it’s like I work in a huge office with ALL OF MY FRIENDS. (and some random people) ALL DAY LONG. Everyone is there, posting little thoughts, snarky comments, political insight both brilliant and inane.
Someone will post a music video of an 80’s pop hit with the caption, “I’m jamming! Jam with me!” or “OMG I forgot how much I love this song!” They want everyone else to like it, too.

I post links to articles I find fascinating and/or interesting knowing DAMN WELL nobody will think so but me. Just like real life!! Try this one:

So why do we do this? There’s some need to connect with people, with friends old and new, to SHARE something that we enjoy, sounds good, is yummy, or makes us think. At least that’s what I THINK is going on here.

Then I realized that’s also pretty much why we’re all writing about our sex lives, whether they’re crazy or mundane. We want to share! We might not want to share our significant other in REAL LIFE, but we can share all the details of how hot and sexy he or she is for sure. It’s our sex! It’s kinky, it’s glorious, it’s fun, it’s crazy, we CAN’T tell our ‘real’ Facebook friends all the fun stuff we’re doing, so what the hell? Why not tell the rest of the world?! It’s so lovely to know that there are others out there having just as much fun as we are, and we can join them and they can join us, and it’s like we’re all working together all day long. In one big sexbloggy office. Fuck yes!

May 032011

As promised, I’m here with an update on my lubricant research/trials. I was really happy to receive this Sliquid Sea for review from Good Vibrations because it’s just a little bit different. Besides being glycerin- and paraben-free, it’s also infused with three different seaweed extracts! Yes! Seaweed! Three of them! In addition to boosting the slipperiness of the Sliquid, the seaweeds are intended as a healthful bonus (as if having hot sex isn’t a health bonus enough!).

  • Each extract provides an added boost for your health: Carrageenan, while also being one of natures most effective natural lubricants, has also been shown to reduce the transmission of HPV (Human Papillomavirus). Wakame is a seaweed that contains B vitamins, and reduces inflammation and improves elasticity in your skin. Nori is an algae that prevents oxidation of the skin and is a very effective natural moisturizer. Together, these natural extracts of the sea blend with our Naturals H2O lubricant, to provide a slippery, sensual lubricant with the natural healing properties of the sea.

Those are some pretty serious claims! While I can’t vouch for the virus-transmission-reduction properties, nor the inflammation-reduction claim, I CAN say that I found Sliquid Sea to be VERY moisturizing. As a matter of fact, I kept rubbing it into my hands for the moisturizing effect after the sex test was over!

In our experience, water-based lubricants vary widely in how sticky and how quickly they disappear.This water-based lubricant is definitely NOT sticky (a major plus)! It DOES, however, seem to be absorbed pretty quickly, so we used a LOT of it for this test. We’ve used it for cunt-rubbing, cock-stroking, pussy and ass-fucking, all with great results. Sliquid Sea has no real smell, and no taste. I can definitely see us using this again. And again. And again.
(ALTHOUGH…next on my to-lube list is some silicone lube!)

Sliquid is featured at as part of their ecorotic line of natural and organic sex products that are good for you and have a low environmental impact.

May 022011

Sex Fairy here, reporting in on a minor sexual accident over the weekend:

During some particularly vigorous deep-throat cocksucking (somewhat inspired by reading some sexy cock-choking blog entries and comments last week), I pulled my head back to…
I don’t know…swallow saliva? Breathe? Lick my lips? I really do know better.


It matters not WHAT I was doing, because at that point, Whitman grabbed my head by a handful of hair and forced his cock up and my head down at the same time. Except instead of me expertly wrapping my tongue around the underside of his cock, his cock rammed the underside of my tongue.


This was only momentarily painful, and even then only slightly so. I could tell something was not quite right, though. After finishing up with the sucking, fucking, spanking, and cum, I checked the mirror. WHOA. As I suspected, something was not quite right.

Even though it’s only slightly sore, there was, and still is, a giant bruise under my tongue. Looks like I got away without tearing the frenulum, but because this is in my mouth, the bruise looks like a giant blood blister. It actually resembles raw meat under my tongue. I’m still chuckling about this, two days later.

Lesson learned here? Keep my tongue where it belongs at all times!!   ;)

Apr 272011

counting days. or naughty points?As I’ve mentioned before, Whitman and I are working against distance and time apart in our relationship. We’ve had what I consider to be QUITE A BIT of time apart lately, and I miss him terribly. I was actually in a bit of a snit when he left last time, and have been only marginally better in between. (I actually told him ‘maybe you should stay home then.’)
<GASP!> (um…yes, naughty point added.)

I am contrite / We made up.

He let me know on Monday that he would see me Thursday night, (even though we both have Wednesday and Thursday off). I MENTIONED (again) that I was available Wednesday, too. He said he’d see me Thursday.  I’ve been so disappointed.  I was feeling so desperate to see him. I wanted to SHOW him how much I miss him when he’s gone, how much I need him near me always. I was starting to feel so needy, and the desire to just fall to the floor when I see him and latch on to his legs with both arms…like a toddler having a breakdown…was looming large.

TODAY he let me know he could be here today.

SexFairy: omgahhhhhh I’m so fucking glad you’re coming here!!!! I didn’t want to ask again. :)
Whitman: I always was. You just need to learn some submissive desperation.


Apr 252011

ladies-slippery-when-wetNo, this is not about getting your car’s oil changed. It’s about lubricants of another sort. I’ve been thinking of sexy lubricants  quite a bit lately. I was always one of those “Who, me…lube? I don’t need it!” girls. I would be insulted at the idea…sort of like a guy saying “I don’t need Viagra!” I mean, my pussy is overflowing with sweet juices! Are you saying I’m not wet enough?!

I  found out, though, like a lot of guys…Viagra can be FUN whether you NEED it or not. It increases the strength and duration of a perfectly good erection. What’s wrong with THAT? In that same manner, a little bit of lube can FEEL REALLY GOOD, whether I need it or not. It’s obviously necessary for anal sex, and helpful for masturbating (his OR hers), but sometimes, it just feels good. That’s it. It increases the juiciness and slipperiness of a perfectly good wet hole. It feeeeels sooooo gooooood to dribble the cool liquid along my pussy lips, then rub it in with my fingers (or his). It feels amazing in my hand as I start to stroke Whitman’s cock. I’m guessing it increases the amazingness of my hand ON his cock for him.

Lots of reading and research at Eden Fantasys later, I’ve come to the conclusion that even Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys storethough silicone lubricants feel TOTALLY AMAZING, they’re not the best for every situation. Water-based lubes seem to be the most useful all-around fun juice. Whitman and I have tried a few brands lately (for research purposes, of course!), and they vary WIDELY in viscosity, stickiness, and how long they last. So far, System JO H20 from EdenFantasys has been my favorite. It was lots of fun! It was very slick with a silicone “feel” and lasted a long while and was totally non-sticky. It’s also in a CUTE package! :)

My research into this new realm of slippery fun will continue, and I’ll definitely report in often as I work to become a (self-proclaimed) LUBE EXPERT!!

Apr 212011

When Whitman and I go out to dinner, he never orders the same thing twice. (Okay, maybe ‘rarely’ not ‘never’). He’s always looking for a challenge, an adventure, something new. He loves to try new things, to learn new things, to meet new people.

I realized very early in our relationship that the only way I’d be able to keep his attention (no matter HOW MUCH in love we are) is to continually challenge him, evolve, shake things up a little every now and then.

You know, switch from thongs to boy shorts.


When I met him I was a blonde. Now I’m a brunette. I like it.I’ve changed from my ‘standard’ nail polish color to a veritable rainbow over time. I like this, too.
Back then I had (some) pubic hair, then I went Brazilian for a while, now I have a landing strip.
I like that, as well.

I wonder what else is on the menu?

Apr 202011

“How do you feel?” he asked.

“Naked,” I replied.

“Naked is what you are, not how you feel,” he responded after a slight pause.

“No. I feel naked,” I insisted. “And vulnerable. A little embarrassed. Slightly humiliated.” This seemed to satisfy him.
“I also feel like your little naked pet.” THAT made him extremely happy, even though he only smiled slightly, his eyes never leaving the road.

camaro boots girl

Whitman and I were visiting friends over the weekend, and as we traveled a four-lane highway through small town after small town, he looked at me and said, “Take off your pants.” I was a little shocked, because this wasn’t a particularly “Dom/sub” moment. I did as I was told, though.  Not that big of a deal, right? No pants. I’m in the car, who can see? We drove on for miles, chatting normally for about 15 minutes.

“Take off your panties.” I squirmed in my seat. “Really?” I thought, but did as I was instructed without saying a word. NOW I was feeling a little more uncomfortable. I mean, really…truck drivers could see in the window as we passed them on the road.

Another fifteen minutes or so had passed. “Take off your top.” Now clad only in my bra, I tried to keep up a semblance of normal communication, like this wasn’t KILLING ME to sit naked in a car hurtling down the highway. Whitman had warned me that the punishment for one of my Naughty Points would be hard for me. I had no idea how hard. I kept thinking to myself, “PLEASE let this be it. SURELY he won’t have me COMPLETELY NAKED.” Surely he WOULD.

What was I thinking?

Finally completely naked fifteen minutes or so later, I could no longer carry on conversation normally. Whitman gazed at me with a satisfied look. “Now masturbate.” I noticed the wetness between my legs (way back somewhere between removing panties and bra). I had been holding my legs tightly together since I was naked, and my thighs were wet already. My breath caught as I slipped my two fingers between them. I was shocked at HOW WET I was already.

I began to masturbate slowly, and leaned my head back against the seat, never taking my eyes from Whitman. I COULDN’T take my eyes from him. After passing through a few more tiny towns, he slapped my inner thigh. HARD, and said, “You can cum. I recommend it, actually.”
Within seconds, I was on the edge, straining my hips against the seatbelt that held me close to the leather seat. THAT made me even. wetter.
I came.
I didn’t care who saw.
It was for him.

Afterward, when I was dressed again, I just wanted to curl up next to Whitman with my head on his shoulder. Lesson learned. Really. Now, just 7 more points to go…

Apr 142011

conversation following a recent FMF NaughtySpot adventure:

Whitman: “Your pussy feels much better than hers, by the way.”

Sex Fairy: “Really? Awww, thanks! But hers is so much cuter – it’s all tucked in.
Mine’s so crazy with my labia hanging out!”

Whitman: “Yes, but with yours you know exactly what you’re getting.”


Apr 122011

One of the things I love about Good Vibrations is their selection of sexy kits. They were nice enough to send us their “Celebrate Yourself” kit to review, so celebrate myself, I did, by testing out these tasty toys with Whitman!

This kit includes the nifty “Ignite Me” massage candle (one of the best things GV sells, if you ask me!) in ‘morning dew’ scent. This scent was a little perfume-y for my taste (I was spoiled by the herbal lavender version already), but is a light floral fragrance that most people will find appealing. The Ignite Me candle is a low-melting temperature soy wax that can be poured on your lover without burning, and then massaged in without leaving a sticky residue.
These candles ROCK!

please bunny fufuThe kit also includes a silver bullet vibrator, (with batteries included!)which is a standard scroll-wheel-controlled insertable egg, and a 2 oz. bottle of Please liquid lubricant.

The Please liquid lube is a glycerin- and paraben-free water based lubricant  with no smell and no taste, which is perfect for anyone with sensitive skin or other lube issues. We found it to be a little thick and it quickly turned sticky. We don’t have any skin-sensitivity issues, so we have no need to sacrifice slippery slickness for stickiness.

Within about 5 minutes or less of stroking each other, we were in shock at the glue-like texture of the lube! We immediately washed it off (easy cleanup with soap and water), and started over. The Please Cream lube from an earlier kit was much more to our liking, and we think, the better “Please” lubricant.bunny fufu

The REAL fun of this kit, however, is the Bunny Sleeve!  This jelly bunny fits on the egg and turns it into a great clitoral stimulator. The bunny’s head is a hard nub that transfers the vibrations with ease. This bunny could also be used on standard vibrators, or as you see here, on two fingers.

Bunny is now hard at work on my desk as a lubricant-topper until it’s playtime again!

Apr 122011

I use SwiftKey “smart keyboard” for my phone. It ‘learns’ words and phrases that I use, and offers them to me as I type — a little more reliably than regular predictive text. Sometimes. Sometimes I think it’s making jokes at my expense, or I’m a slutty drunk. Maybe both.

I started typing “Enjoy your first day of v…”
(where ‘v’ = ‘vacation’).
My phone’s #1 suggestion?


Yes, friends, enjoy your FIRST DAY OF VODKA.

I started typing ‘Get your butt…’
(intended phrase = ‘get your butt to school!’)
My phone’s first suggestion for the next word in this phrase?



Am I really that easy? Probably.