Aug 032012

At what point can I call myself bisexual?
I’ve been over this a zillion times in my mind and on this blog:

I’ve had sex with women. I like it. I want to have sex with women, but I like men more, etc., etc.

It occurred to me that maybe I’m doing everyone a disservice by calling myself straight, especially since I’m starting to become so fascinated by the idea of more or regular sex with women. Somehow, in my mind, “bisexual” had to mean I am equally attracted to men and women. I‘m sure I fall somewhere on the Kinsey Scale that’s closer to heterosexual, but nowhere near exclusively heterosexual.  But if I think about it, I’m definitely attracted to some women. Somehow this meant to me that I’m straight – because I’m only attracted to ‘some’ women. (Well, DUHH, I’m only attracted to ‘some’ men, too!!)

Kinesy Scale, am I bi?

I’m not sure why I’ve held to this hard and fast 50/50 idea. I know and completely understand that sexual identity, attraction, and gender identity are fluid and variable and can change over time. I definitely think mine has changed. So according to the Kinsey scale, I’d give myself a 2+, because I’m definitely not 50/50, which is the definition of 3:

2 – Predominantly heterosexual experiences, but more than incidentally
      homosexual experiences
3 – Equally heterosexual and homosexual experiences

But how about THIS scale? According to, “not all bisexuals are Kinsey 3’s”. This is their scale, and I think I like it the best:

1 exclusively hetero
2 bisexual
3 bisexual
4 bisexual
5 bisexual
6 exclusively gay

As you can see, I’m right there in the middle.

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