I hopped naked into the pool. Whitman was already there, waiting. I walked over to him in the shallow end. As we kissed (okay, made out like teenagers!), he pulled a raft up behind me and between my legs so I could hop on. “Lie back,” he said. I did. Whitman pulled the float deeper, so that my hips were level with his mouth. He folded the raft down for better access, and began to gently lick around my clit.
I could hear the water that was pooling in the raft lapping against his chin and my ass. I tried to sit up a little to watch, but he reminded me to lie back, (mostly for balance in the water, I think, but again, I did). The feeling of the hot, hot (90+ degrees) sun beating down on my naked body, my feet free-floating around his shoulders, my hands gripping the raft above my head and the gentle warm breeze touching my skin all combined to make this a crazy-hot once in a lifetime lovefest.
WOW. I was as free as could be, but there was a slight feeling of being restrained as I floated. I lifted my feet to rest on his shoulders, and let my hands trail in the water, but I couldn’t really move without capsizing my raft. So I was still. I opened my eyes, and saw the perfect orb of the sun shining down on me and listened to the birds cheering at the free show they were getting as Whitman kept up the perfect steady pressure with his tongue, and I came. so. hard.
Have I mentioned how much I love this man?