Feb 232012
If you’re reading this, Dear Reader, I’m in the recovery room.(Trust me, I’m thrilled, good drugs notwithstanding.)
My surgery was at 7am, and it was expected to last about 15 minutes. I’ll spend about 30 minutes to an hour in the recovery room, because after all, it was just conscious sedation, not general anesthesia, then I’m headed home. I’ll have a few dissolving stitches and what my doctor said was MOST IMPORTANT about the recovery period is
“NO sexual activity for at least two weeks.”
Whitman has a serious post-op question, though…how long after my procedure does HE have to wait to have sex??
4 Responses to “Pussy Prettification Project, Part 4”
Comments (4)
Wishing you a quick recovery and happy results.
Thank you so much!!!I’m all full of stitches and a little swollen, but I’m already happy with how it looks.
Assuming those two pictures of ppp, part one were you, are you going to. Show pictures of the results? I think that would be very interesting to see.
Yes, absolutely! (Yes, the photos in PPP parts 1 AND 3 are of me. I’ll post photos as the healing goes along. Today’s pics might be a little too much, though!