Nov 142011

Part II, continued from HERE,

SexFairy was standing, legs spread, arms leaning against the wall, as her ass reddened from the repeated caning and flogging. The drool was dripping rather steadily from her forced open mouth gag into the metal bowl on the floor. To say I was very admiring of the view is quite an understatement.

Now we had been going here for maybe 30-45 minutes and while I had been hard the entire time, I had not actually directly enjoyed any stimulations myself. So with SexFairy in this bent towards the wall position, I naturally entered her from the rear and fucked her very hard for a few minutes. This made her drool profusely. Imagine how long you’d go with your mouth forced into an open position, while being flogged and fucked. Exactly.

drinking salivaSo she deserved a little present. I picked up the bowl of her saliva and poured it into her open mouth. Because yes my whore deserved a drink. Aren’t I thoughtful?

I went back to some more flogging…this time from behind hitting her ass so that the leather straps whipped around her ass and slapped against her dripping pussy and swollen clit. I continued giving her more of this attention until my rock hard cock could take it solo no more. Grabbing the straps of the tight leather corset she was wearing I pulled her around and forced her to her knees. The ring on the gag was far too small for my cock so  I removed it, grabbed the back of her head with both hands, and started a nice face fucking session.

Normally she is very obedient and reacts appropriately to my attentions. But as to  why this time she failed I am still not sure. Perhaps having her mouth forced open for so long? Perhaps she was just mentally lost? I am not sure. But I felt something I am not supposed to feel when my cock is being forced into her mouth and pushing against the back of her throat. I felt her teeth. Yes her teeth against the head of my cock.

“Did you just fucking bite me?” I demanded. “Did you?” She looked at me with a measure of fear in her eyes, shaking her head no. “Oh my fucking god I cannot believe you just bit my cock,” I said. “Now you will pay dearly for this.”

I firmly grabbed her by the corset and pulled her from the floor and pushed her into the bedroom.

…to be continued – [in part three, she is punished]

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